The Beginner’s Guide to Test Automation in Azure DevOps

Welcome to the Azure DevOps world of test automation! If you are new to the industry and are seeking an all-encompassing handbook that will take you from knowing nothing to becoming an expert, you need to look no further. In this post, we will discuss everything you need to know about automating tests using Azure DevOps, including why it is important, how it operates, best practices, and the tools that are accessible to developers who want to automate their testing process. With the help of our guide for beginners, you will be able to begin enhancing the quality of your program more quickly than ever before. Let’s take use of Azure DevOps and dig into the fascinating world of automated testing!

What is Azure DevOps?

Microsoft Azure DevOps is a collection of software development and delivery management tools that are hosted in the cloud. These tools can be used to organize and track work, collaborate on software development, manage builds and releases, test and deploy code, and more.

Azure DevOps gives teams the ability to put into practice a DevOps culture and set of procedures, such as agile planning, continuous integration and delivery, infrastructure as code, and many more. It helps businesses cut expenses while simultaneously enhancing quality and speed, as well as compliance and security.

Developers and teams can release software more quickly and with greater confidence with the assistance of Azure DevOps. It gives you the ability to track work items from the time when requirements are gathered until the time when they are deployed. Built-in testing tools and automated build and release pipelines assist ensure that your code is always deployable, and the former help you identify and eliminate errors at an earlier stage in the software development life cycle.

Because it is compatible with any programming language or operating system, Azure DevOps is an excellent option for both well-established development teams and those that are just beginning their journey into the world of automation. In this tutorial, we will discuss how to get started with Azure DevOps test automation as well as how to set up Azure DevOps itself.

What is Test Automation?

The process of automating the running of tests and comparing the findings obtained with those that were anticipated to be obtained is referred to as test automation. Application testing, online testing, and even testing of individual classes and functions may all be automated with test software. Test automation has a number of advantages, including a reduction in the amount of time spent testing, an improvement in test coverage, and an increase in testing precision.

Azure DevOps is currently one of the most well-known and widely used technologies for test automation. You may quickly automate the testing process by making use of Azure DevOps’s extensive feature set, which gives you the ability to do so. In this tutorial, we will demonstrate how to initiate the process in Azure DevOps test automation so that you can get started right away.

Why use Azure DevOps test automation?

Azure DevOps is a platform for the development and deployment of cloud-based software applications. It provides you with a variety of services and solutions that simplify the process of distributing software applications to end users. In addition to that, Azure DevOps offers a selection of built-in test automation features.

The process of developing and delivering applications can be sped up by making use of the test automation capabilities offered by Azure DevOps. Also, it might assist you in lowering the amount of manual testing that is required to be carried out. Catching bugs and problems early on in the development process is one of the many ways that test automation may assist in improving the overall quality of your apps.

There are many benefits to using test automation in Azure DevOps. If you are not already using it, we encourage you to give it a try.

How to set up Azure DevOps Test Automation?

Assuming you have already created a project in Azure DevOps, follow these steps to set up test automation:


  1. In the left navigation of your project, select Pipelines.
  2. On the Pipelines page, select the Releases tab.
  3. Select the New Release Pipeline. The New Release Pipeline page appears.
  4. Under Select a template, choose Empty job. You’ll configure all the tasks for your job in this exercise.
  5. Name your stage whatever you’d like and click Add. In this exercise, we’ll name it “test,” since we’re going to be running tests against our web app as part of this stage.
  6. Click Save & Queue and then Save at the top of the page to commit your changes.
  7. On the Run window that appears, enter any comments you want and click Save & queue again.
  8. To add a task to your stage, click the + icon next to your newly created stage name.
  9. In the search box, type “Azure App Service Deploy” as we will be using this task to push our web app changes live..
  10. Select Azure App Service Deploy from the list of tasks that appears and then click Add on the right side..
  11. A new pane appears on the right side of the window with all of the fields required to configure this task filled in with placeholder values..
  12. We need to provide some information

Tips for using Azure DevOps test automation

If you’re new to  Azure DevOps test automation, here are a few tips to help you get started.

  1. Make sure your tests are well-organized and easy to maintain.
  1. Use the built-in tools in Azure DevOps to create and run your tests.
  1. Keep an eye on your test coverage and make sure all important areas are covered.
  1. Take advantage of cloud-based testing tools to scale up your testing efforts.
  1. Always monitor your tests and investigate any failures to prevent future issues.
  1. Make sure your tests are reliable and repeatable, so you can trust their results.
  1. Leverage Azure DevOps to integrate test automation into the CI/CD process for faster feedback loops.
  1. Use reporting tools to track the progress of your tests over time and spot any areas in need of improvement.

Wrapping Up

Azure DevOps test automation provides teams with an efficient means of improving the quality of their code and increasing the reliability of their products. When firms use these technologies, not only can they save time and money, but they can also promptly discover problems before they become severe, saving them both time and money. We have high hopes that this beginner’s guide has helped you gain a deeper comprehension of test automation in Azure DevOps and how it may be of service to your company. You won’t waste much time getting test automation up and running if you just put in a little bit of extra effort.