Microsoft Power Platform

Expedite your Power Journey with Microsoft Power Platform

Speed up your development using low-code technology—analyze data, construct applications, streamline processes, and generate virtual agents at an accelerated pace.

Microsoft Power Platform


Take a glance at the revolutionizing Power Platform Services

Power Apps enables you to create custom applications without extensive coding knowledge. With its intuitive low-code development environment, you can quickly build apps that streamline processes, enhance productivity, and drive digital transformation.

Low-code app development

Azure Power Platform's low-code app development empowers you to create applications quickly by eliminating the need for extensive coding.

Custom business process automation

Automate your unique processes through custom business process automation to eliminate manual tasks and optimize workflows.

Integration with existing systems and data sources

Leverage your investments in legacy applications and databases by seamless integration with existing systems and data sources.

Mobile and web app development

Develop interactive mobile and web applications that cater to the evolving needs of your customers and employees.

Power Apps
Power Automate

Power Automate allows you to automate workflows and repetitive tasks across multiple applications and services. Increase efficiency and productivity by automating mundane tasks, reducing errors, and improving collaboration.

Workflow and process automation

Power Automate enables you to automate workflows and processes by creating workflows between different apps without any coding skills.

Integration with Microsoft & third-party services

Power Automate provides integration with Microsoft and third-party services, including Dynamics 365, SharePoint, Salesforce, and more.

Custom connectors and templates

Custom connectors and templates will let you integrate your own custom-built applications and services.

Robotic process automation (RPA)

Power Automate offers robotic process automation (RPA), allowing you to automate repetitive and rule-based tasks using software robots.

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Power BI allows you to connect to a wide range of data sources, transform and model the data, and create interactive reports and visualizations. Make informed decisions by gaining holistic insights into your data with Power BI.

Data visualization and reporting

Power BI provides a range of visualizations that make it easy to understand data and share insights with stakeholders in a user-friendly manner.

Interactive dashboards and data exploration

Create customizable and interactive dashboards with real-time data, allowing you to drill down and explore data in-depth.

Data modeling and transformation

Model and transform data from multiple sources, simplifying data management and making it easier to derive insights.

Self-service analytics

Leverage self-service analytics to gain insights and take actions that drive business outcomes and growth.

Power BI
Customization and branding 

Power Virtual Agents enable you to create intelligent chatbots and virtual assistants for better customer engagement. Provide instant customer support, automate processes, and engage users through natural and interactive conversations.

Chatbots and intelligent virtual assistants

Azure Power Platform offers user-friendly tools for developing AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants to resolve customer queries within seconds.

Natural language processing (NLP) technology

Leverage advanced NLP technologies in Azure Power Platform for sentiment analysis, language detection, and much more.

Integration with backend systems & data sources 

Seamlessly integrate chatbots and virtual assistants with backend systems and data sources using Azure Power Platform.

Customization and branding 

Personalize interfaces, visual elements, and conversational flows to match your brand identity to reinforce brand recognition.

Who Can Benefit from Power
Platform Services?

Microsoft Power Platform Services are designed to cater to the needs of a wide range of businesses and organizations, offering solutions for process automation, data analysis, and app development. 

Business Owners & Managers

Azure Power Platform Services offer cost-effective solutions for process automation, allowing business owners and managers to streamline operations, improve efficiency, and reduce costs.

Data Analysts & Scientists

Azure Power Platform Services provide a range of tools for data analysis which allow data analysts and scientists to visualize and analyze data, identify trends, and make informed business decisions.

IT Professionals & Developers

Azure Power Platform Services provide a range of services and tools for app development, process automation, allowing IT professionals and developers to improve efficiency and productivity.

Enterprises of all Sizes

Powerful Azure power tools enable enterprises to optimize their operations, reduce costs, and improve customer satisfaction, regardless of their size.

Real Results, Real Impact,

See How Our Customers Succeed


Savills is global real estate services provider listed on the London Stock Exchange.


The client is a global real estate services provider listed on the London Stock Exchange. Their agents have over 100 offices throughout the United Kingdom, and over 600 offices and associates throughout Europe, Asia Pacific, Africa, and the Middle East.
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The City University of Seattle is a highly-rated private university located in Seattle.


The City University of Seattle is a highly-rated private university located in Seattle, Washington. It was founded in 1973 as City College by a group of business leaders led by Michael A. Pastore with an original mission dedicated to providing higher education for working adults.
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Superior Farms

Superior Farms is North America’s top processor and marketer of lamb.

Superior Farms

Superior Farms, founded in 1964, is North America’s top processor and marketer of lamb. The company is recognized market leader in the retail and food service markets it serves, providing products and services to customers in more than 10 countries.
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Learn More About Our Services

Your Common Queries Are Resolved​

We believe in the power of the cloud to transform businesses and empower people.

Azure Power Platform is a suite of cloud-based services offered by Microsoft Azure that enables businesses to build, manage, and deploy powerful applications quickly and easily. It combines services such as Power Apps, Power Automate, and Power BI to help businesses streamline their workflows, automate manual processes, gain insights from their data, and more.

Azure Power Platform is unique in its tight integration with other Microsoft services such as Dynamics 365, Microsoft 365, and Azure. It also provides powerful data analytics capabilities through Power BI, making it easy to derive insights from data.

Power BI is a business analytics service that allows businesses to connect to a wide range of data sources, create interactive dashboards and reports, and gain insights from their data. It provides powerful data modeling and transformation capabilities, as well as machine learning capabilities for predictive analytics.

Yes, Azure Power Platform is built on the secure Azure cloud platform and offers a range of security features such as multi-factor authentication, role-based access control, and encryption. It also complies with a range of industry and regulatory standards.

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